Our By-Laws

Amended Winter 2016, Approved March 8, 2016


The full name of the organization shall be The Henry Elementary School Parent - Teacher Organization and may also do business as Henry Elementary P.T.O.

ARTICLE II - Purpose

The purpose of the organization shall be to promote or support any program which, in the judgement of the membership, enhances the welfare and/or education of children, especially any program or activities which strengthen home and school or the ties between the two, with particular emphasis on Henry Elementary School and the children who attend it and the homes represented by them. Also, to do any and all things necessary to promote in anyway the best interests of Henry Elementary School and its students.

ARTICLE III - Policies

The following are basic policies of this Organization:

ARTICLE IV - Officers

The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Projects Chairperson, and a Programs Chairperson. The duties are described in Roberts Rules of Order. In brief the duties are:

ARTICLE V - Executive Committee

The executive Committee shall consist of these officers and at least one faculty member, unless there is already one as an officer, and the Principal. The Executive Committee shall meet before the regular meeting. Terms of the officers, chairpersons, and committees shall run for a year.

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to spend up to $100.00 without the approval of the body for small items.

ARTICLE VI - Membership

Membership shall consist of any persons who pays the agreed upon membership fee and who will undertake the purposes of the organization with particular emphasis on Henry Elementary School faculty and staff and the parents or guardians of the students.

The membership may note at regular meetings to assess dues and/or affiliate with any other organizations whose purposes are consistent with our own. The Executive Committee shall assess, as they deem appropriate, dues to the membership, with concurrent of two-thirds of the members present at the first annual eeting of the membership after the adoption of the by-laws and a like note of the membership thereafter at each and every meeting.

ARTICLE VII - Meetings

There shall be not less than four regular meetings annually. Notice of such meetings shall be given to faculty and patrons of the school within reasonable time prior to the called meeting.

At the next to last meeting of the year, there will be nominations and voting for new officers, chairpersons, and committees for the upcoming school year.

Elections will be a regular order of business and shall be handled as prescribed in Roberts Rules of Order.

Standard business methods shall prevail in handling of funds and shall be in form prescribed by the Executive Committee, such form to be made known to the membership at the first regular meeting annually.

These by-laws shall take effect upon approval of two-thirds of the membership present at a regular meeting, and thereafter be changed, altered, or abolished by two-thirds of the membership present at any regular meeting.

ARTICLE VIII - Disbursement of Organization Funds

The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a local bank as the Executive Board shall designate, and disbursed as follows: All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by either the President or Vice-President.

A resolution to this effect shall be executed and forwarded to the bank to be maintained in its records in June of each year following the election of officers.

ARTICLE IX - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of this organization shall begin July 1 and end June 30.

ARTICLE X - Parlimentary Authority

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these by-laws.

ARTICLE XI - Amendments

The by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of this organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the previous meeting.

ARTICLE XII - Auditing

It shall be the responsibility of an Auditing Committee to audit all financial records of the organization.

An Auditor's report shall be given at the first meeting of the new fiscal year.